Uncovering the Latest Human Right Breach in Bristol Together

Explore the powerful story of injustice through moving images and compelling narratives.

Impactful, Eye-Opening, Essential, Informative


Unveiling A Human Rights StorY IN BRISTOL

We HAVE created AN impactful narrative through visual storytelling, highlighting a human rights breach and its consequences.

Our mission is to raise awareness and inspire action for justice and change.


A protest sign is held up against a cloudy sky. The sign reads '#Human Rights for Future' with 'Amnesty International' written below, advocating for human rights.
A protest sign is held up against a cloudy sky. The sign reads '#Human Rights for Future' with 'Amnesty International' written below, advocating for human rights.



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the Human Rights breach Story

bobby - homeless person; bailed out well over one hundred homeless people over the last 12 months while he stayed in castle park in Bristol.

He built a shed from used up pallets and if anyone was in trouble - tent pinched, sleeping bag soaked , just thrown out of somewhere and had no money for hostel or any other of a whole host of variety of other mishaps

- bobby offered

  • a space to stay,

a sleeping bag to take,

  • a tent to pitch

  • or just a shoulder to cry on.

your story shared over a cup of tea made in his shed while seeking refuge from the rain was in a hundred days and more over the last 12 months.

Explore the narrative of a recent significant human rights breach story in Bristol through engaging visual storytelling and imagery

person holding Jon & Hop bag
person holding Jon & Hop bag
two women standing near tent
two women standing near tent
woman in black and white dress sitting on concrete stairs
woman in black and white dress sitting on concrete stairs
four assorted-color ceramic mugs on black grill frame
four assorted-color ceramic mugs on black grill frame

Experience a powerful sequence of moving images that illustrate the impact of human rights violations.

while they tore down the structures which rescued more people than st mungos will ever as much as reach to

Impactful Imagery

using compelling visuals discover and convey the urgency and importance of human rights issues in this instance effectively.

we have actually and factually made progress on the facts of untold klu klux klan missions, which did include land rights

if your dedication to a cause is deep in enough it tells you its secrets yet unwritten often untold or even put into words

we have asked for financial assistance from those who have money burning a whole in their pockets for bobby not once nor twice.

they refused.

INSTEAD they proposed to evict bobby and carried it through

they tore down his self build sheds and fenced off the car park

they said the reasons were town and planning.

was he rescuing too many people ? - we asked

IN the meantime bobby had a whole army's worth of effort invested in saving human rights of women as Islam prescribes (as structures of homeless care fall under guidance of Islam) against the evolving practice of Falun gong in castle park, which rights (dresses in rights) the female to the same extent as the male. That is not English benevolence. falun gong therefore is not a faith , Islam is, so is homeless benevolence.

NOt many understand the ins and outs of such a huge can of worms but bobby did and he got evicted as a result

time lapse photography of several burning US dollar banknotes
time lapse photography of several burning US dollar banknotes
a bulldozer digging through a demolished building
a bulldozer digging through a demolished building

there were some riots in Bristol castle park in the summer 2025

these riots were enticed by those holding positions in public offices in Bristol at the same time as holding very far right or anti far right views

these included a whole host of racially enticed and excited chants and some unfortunately were against homeless people.

These rioters obviously understand nothing about benevolence of a homeless person nor service completion in civil liberties

these riots brought up facets of religious hate practiced by the klu klux klan

bristol riots
compelling visuals
summer 2026 - castle park
deep impact Storytelling

find out how bristol city council protected the interests of some chinese movement of human rights back to front to english benevolence or human rights

over and above a bristol homeless rights

powerful visions

Discover views about the legality of the practice of falun gong in castle park as opposed to an English person's human rights

!!! insanity !!!


Explore the sequence of human rights breaches through images.

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